
Football Coach Works as Hard as a U.S. Marine

From The Daily Beast, “Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Thursday scoffed at the notion that his nine-month hold on military promotions is harming the ability of those in the armed forces to do their work. Tuberville, whose antics finally drew public condemnation of his G.O.P. colleagues Wednesday, was asked about the effect of his blockade by CNN reporter Manu Raju. The Marine Corps’ top officer ‘was doing two jobs,’ Raju said, referring to Gen. Eric Smith, who ended up being hospitalized with a suspected heart attack last Sunday. But Tuberville, a former football coach, didn’t seem concerned about his workload. ‘He’s got 2,000 people who work for him, okay? And somebody said he’s working 18 hours a day. Jack Reed blamed me for his heart attack,’ he said, referring to the Rhode Island senator. ‘Come on, give me a break. This guy’s going to work 18, 20 hours a day no matter what. That’s what we do. You know, I did that for years because you’ve got to get the job done.’”

F***tards elect other f***tards. Full stop! It is impossible to overstate just how stupid this guy is. I’m pretty sure there is no word in the English language to adequately convey the unmitigated level of idiocy generated by the only two brain cells residing in Tuberville’s head. The only reason he got elected is because he’s a “famous” college football coach. That is his expertise. And now the military is paying for his stupidity because the man knows nothing except that he’s against abortions. This is just more proof that America and Americans are too f***ing stupid to be saved. We’ve reached an inflection point where an entire state (indeed, half the country when talking about supporting traitor trump) believes the most qualified person to be a politician is someone who played and coached sports. Never mind understanding public policy. Never mind having any experience in running government or holding political office. Never mind, at the very least, having a background in the law since Senators’ primary function is to write laws! Never mind, someone who doesn’t have the next most important knowledge base in government (besides public policy) — economics. Never mind any of these basic qualifications or prerequisites. Oh, no! None of these matter to f***tard voters in Alabama. Nope! They want the guy who claims he spent 20 hours a day “working hard” to win football games because that’s really what’s most important to the shit-for-brain citizens of the state — and, dare I say, most of the rest of the country. Sports! Kill me now! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this stupid, stupid country! Truly, if the Roman expression of “bread and circus” was ever more relevant, it would be in today’s society — a society that simply wants to be entertained and not much else, least of all be informed enough and motivated to vote every two years! (Yes, f***tards, there are national elections between presidential elections.)

And the nerve of Tuberville to insinuate — nay, directly compare — his coaching job was equivalent to an overworked U.S.M.C. general doing the work of two people. The entire problem with this f***ed-up country is encapsulated in that one statement from Tuberville. It is everything you need to know to understand how and why America is in decline: A stupid country that cares more about sports than a functioning government elects other stupid politicians (almost exclusively RepubliKKKlans) to destroy the government they loathe (yet work in). What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to stupid America! The end is here!