‘For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind’

From The Hill, “Newsom said he directed his staff to work with the legislature and Attorney General to work on a bill that would allow private citizens to sue for up to $10,000 ‘anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California. … If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that,’ Newsom said.”

I say, bring it! Bring it times ten. Texas has sown the wind with its abortion law, and now California will reap the whirlwind with this gun control proposal. I am super excited about this suggested law — for as long as it will last. Although, I am completely realistic about what SCOTUS will do to any Texas-like law enacted in the name of gun control. I have no doubt that SCOTUS will treat this law much differently from laws related to protecting the right of women to have an abortion because, as you know, a bunch of white men sitting on the highest court of the land is more than eager to allow other white men in legislatures across conservative states to control women’s bodies and healthcare choices.

In contrast, they’ll readily stop states from going that extra mile to control weapons of mass destruction on the streets of their communities. SCOTUS made absolutely no attempt (on two occasions) to maintain the status quo of protecting a woman’s choice by enjoining the Texas law while it is being challenged in the courts, which is customary. Of course, they didn’t, and I have no doubt when the California law takes effect, SCOTUS will enjoin that law in a heartbeat because the hypocrisy is overwhelming with conservatives, and the irony will be completely lost on them, for the Second Amendment reigns over everything and everyone. All things and all people must bow to the right for anyone to own any firearm and carry it anywhere at any time. What will the collective response be from a nation that wants more gun control in the wake of a court that actively tries to limit states from making streets safer from weapons of mass destruction? I already know. It is the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, of course. That’s what we do. This is a country built on apathy that keeps electing politicians to lead the charge on gun control antipathy. If Sandy Hook could not change minds, then nothing will — or has since. As usual, I can’t wait for nothing to change with gun control as SCOTUS does everything in its power to encourage and enshrine in case law precedent more unregulated gun ownership. Sadly, the much-anticipated whirlwind will eventually be just a breeze. Welcome to stupid America! The stupid is incomprehensible here!