
Fox News Knew Americans Are Morons

CNN reports, “In totality, the documents continue to underscore that at its core, Fox News is not a news network. News networks work hard to deliver the truth to their viewers. These documents reveal that Fox News executives and hosts knew the truth and yet they peddled election lies to the audience. And when the handful of hosts and correspondents who have integrity at the channel tried to be honest with viewers, the highest levels of Fox News worked against them. The documents lay bare that the channel’s business model is not based on informing its audience, but rather on feeding them content — even dangerous conspiracy theories — that keeps viewers happy and watching.”

This is what a dying country looks like: A bunch of idiot citizens believing sh*t and being feed sh*t to believe. May I remind my tens and tens of readers that Fox News consistently holds 9 of the top 10 cable shows (see above). About 1.6 million people watch Fox News prime time a day, dwarfing CNN and MSNBC combined. This has been the case for nearly all of Fox News’ existence.

Some may argue that 1.6 million is a drop in the bucket to the total population, and people seek news in far different ways today. But relative to news channels that don’t engage in right-wing propaganda, the conclusion is clear: A stupid country consumes stupid news making the citizenry more stupid. And we wonder why America is falling apart. Democracy requires a well-informed and engaged population. Instead, Fox News engenders mindlessness, apathy, and grievance. Welcome to stupid America, getting dumber one Fox News broadcast at a time! This level of stupid cannot be undone! This is what America has become! Mark my words, f***tards. The end is coming!