
France Secularism

According to The Hill, “Education Minister Gabriel Attal said during an interview with French TV channel TF1 that the abaya — the full-length robes worn by some Muslim women — will be banned from schools, Reuters reported. This is just the latest steps the French government has taken in curtailing Islamic dress in public. … In 2004, France banned students from wearing headscarves in its schools, as well as other religious symbols, including large-crosses and Jewish kippahs. It also banned people from wearing face veils in public in 2011.”

I agree! Keep that religious sh*t at home; don’t force that crap on the rest of us. We don’t want to see it. F*** your feelings and your faith — no matter what the faith. I will concede, however, that Islam is the most repressive theology of the big three and should be suppressed the most from public view. If and when Judaism and Christianity start requiring women to cover from head to toe, then I’ll start railing against those religions just as harshly. Nonetheless, Muslims have the worst track record against women’s rights, so they deserve the most scorn. I think France does well to squash Islam’s worst impulses by banning these abayas, which simultaneously assumes their women are too pretty for public view and men have no self-control over their sexual desires. (Talk about a supremely cynical religion.) Maybe Muslim men should wear chastity belts instead. All organized religion is bad, but Islam is the worst by far.