If I were king of Canada, then I would deploy the Einsatzgruppen to dispatch these “FREEDOM!” protestors with all expeditiousness and alacrity. Of course, the irony of the picture above is completely lost on protestors and every other f***tard “FREEDOM!” sympathizer and enabler. Does anybody see it? Anybody at all? Anyone out there. Raise your hand if you see the inherent contradiction in a truck claiming “FREEDOM FOR ALL” as it blocks the road. Apparently — and as usual — their idea of freedom is a one-way street, whereby they claim all and any freedom they want but have no problem blocking your freedom, which in this case, is your freedom to drive where you want or, worse still, need. Not to mention the exacerbation to the supply chain they are causing. They are literally forcing auto plants to cease operations because they can’t get parts due to these protestor f***tards. I guess they feel like they have the freedom to cripple peoples’ livelihoods. In fact, one reporter interviewed a Canadian trucker who claimed he was protesting against mandates to protect his right to a livelihood. Literally. Those were his words — a right to his livelihood. How very retro communist of him to assume in today’s liberal democracies that he has a right to a job of his choice. So, like a petulant child if he can’t get his way, then he feels like he has the right to f*** things up for everyone else. Talk about white privilege grievance entitlement. God! I hate these people! And may I remind these f***tard protestors that no one and no government is strapping anyone to a gurney and sticking them with a needle. They all have a right to quit their jobs and similarly, no one is obligated to employ a person who is unvaccinated. Or they can get f***ing tested. God f***ing forbid they should have to get tested regularly in lieu of getting the vaccine. These people cannot have it only their way during a worldwide pandemic of a highly contagious and deadly (or debilitating) airborne disease. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they’re exhausted or over COVID. Guess what? After two-plus years we all are, but we aren’t f***ing acting like babies over it. Have I mentioned that I hate all these people? If these f***tards refuse to undertake the minimum responsibilities required to be part of a society, then I recommend they exit life — immediately. Like I said: Einsatzgruppen time! But, whatever.

And just to be absolutely clear regarding these people. They are not engaging in civil disobedience or boycotting. They are absolutely exacting social and economic terrorism! Civil disobedience is a sit-in at a university or at a government building that lasts a day or two. Civil disobedience is blocking or impeding traffic for an afternoon or day. Civil disobedience is camping out in a public park ala Occupy Wall Street. Civil disobedience is not shutting down roads and international commerce for weeks. Civil disobedience is not disturbing the peace of neighborhoods ala blaring truck horns day-in and day-out for weeks. These people are not patriots, heroes, or freedom fighters. They are criminals. They are vermin. Every last one of them. And what do we do with vermin?

Of course, there is a glaring double standard playing out. The reason any other sit-in or traffic blockade never lasts long is that law enforcement typically breaks them up quickly. With all haste is the speed minorities and minority causes are managed. Since these protestors are having a white grievance tantrum, then they’re allowed to carry on for weeks before anyone does anything. It takes weeks for the general public to become fed up with these white snowflakes. When it comes to minorities? They have hours before the police drop the hammer. Were some of the BLM protests unlawful? Hell, yes. Of course, some were! Some looted and some vandalized to be sure. The vast majority of BLM marchers were peaceful. But all of these “FREEDOM!” protests are unlawful now a judge has ruled. And at least the BLM cause was worthy. Fighting for the underclass of society is meritorious. A bunch of white majority snowflakes kvetching about their white privilege entitlement being encroached upon to help the greater good of humanity is absolutely and completely unworthy. In fact, I can think of no cause less deserving than these mouth-breathing warts of humanity throwing a collective hissy-fit.

It’s the usual hypocrisy that embodies all these conservatives, no matter the country. It’s all the same everywhere — from ‘Merica! to Canada to Russia. There is absolutely no difference in mentality, selfishness, and stupidity among RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons here and conservatives to the North and abroad. Authorities need to f***ing crush these protestors quickly and completely. Part of the problem with our liberal democratic system is that the system is too weak and slow to act. When people with authoritarian tendencies want to throw off the yoke of democracy, then governments need to f***ing show their strength instead of seeking to negotiate with them for a resolution. We do not negotiate with terrorists! If they are not vanquished then we lose, and democracy is about to lose bigly because too many democratic countries like America and Canada still treat these people with kid gloves! F*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid humanity!