F***tard Said What?

According to BuzzFeed News, “President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that he is ending negotiations on a coronavirus relief bill until after he wins the election. … On Tuesday morning, just hours before Trump’s tweets, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned of the ‘tragic’ consequences if the White House and Congress do not pass a robust stimulus package to ward off a spike in bankruptcies and business closures. … Democrats quickly seized on Trump’s announcement. ‘Remember this tweet when you don’t have another stimulus check in your mailbox this fall,’ tweeted Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly.”

Of course! Of course! Of course! There is no need to comment on this extensively because it speaks for itself. Traitor trump is a f***tard “businessman” who knows nothing about anything — least of all about politicking and running the government. He just wants to destroy things for the sake of destroying things, but no matter because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will vote for the “stable genius” anyway even if they go broke as a result. Oh, then traitor trump tries to reverse course, after the markets crash over his tweet, just like any “stable genius” would do. Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re trapped in stupid hell.