Garbage NYT Article on Douchebag Musk

Wow! I thought The New York Times was supposed to be a publication with “all the news that’s fit to print.” Apparently, not when it comes to writing about the merger and acquisition “acumen” of douchebag Musk. The article titled, “Even Among Corporate Raiders, Elon Musk Is a Pirate,” with a byline that reads just as fanciful, “The world of deal making has always been rough and tumble. But Mr. Musk blows any predecessors away,” is a puff piece written by an obviously besotted sycophant. In her essay, the author, Lauren Hirsch, appears eager to paint Musk as the corporate raiders’ raider as if he brings a certain magical 21st-century jeune se qui corporate jiu-jitsu that rivals the likes of T. Boone Pickens, Carl Icahn, and Robert Campeau.

She goes on to say, “In essence, Mr. Musk, 50, has turned what was largely a friendly deal into a hostile takeover after the fact. His actions have left Twitter, regulators, bankers and lawyers flummoxed over what he might do next and whether the blockbuster deal will be completed. And Mr. Musk has made past corporate raiders look positively quaint by comparison.” In short, she is equating his antics to some master class in negotiating “outside the lines” when in fact, his B.S. maneuvers amount to nothing more than a 50-year-old man-baby throwing a public tantrum. Look, morons. He signed a f***ing deal (in good faith) to buy Twitter for $54.20 per share — f***ing stupid pothead humor from an idiot — and it seems that Twitter is going to hold him to those terms, and if Musk wants to pay $1 billion to walk away — if the board even allows that — then that loss is entirely on him. Since he announced and inked the deal, Twitter stock has plunged to $38.29 (at the time of this writing). In Musk’s infinite “wisdom,” he committed to buying Twitter at a premium price for an asset that has lost value. Now he’s buying the company at an even greater premium than a month ago. Does that sound like a corporate raiders’ raider? Does that sound like someone running circles around his predecessor brethren?

If Musk thinks he can renegotiate the sales price down, then he needs to lay off the pot brownies. He f***ed himself on this deal, and no one is to blame but himself, yet douchebag Musk still has his defenders who give him cover for this mess by describing his deal-making approach as flummoxing and blowing his predecessors away. Just because he’s a billionaire doesn’t mean he’s a business messiah. I know it is somewhat confusing for some since traitor trump was elected to office, partly because of his business “savvy,” which, apparently, includes the ability to demonstrate his business prowess by filing several bankruptcies. But I digress. Musk is just a dick with money. He was a dick when he was poor, and he’s a dick now. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!