Gay RepubliKKKlans — The Ugly Unicorns

Gay RepubliKKKlan is an oxymoron in every sense of the word moron! These people — and I mean that as a pejorative — are probably the greatest of all idiots, right in competition with evangelicals. Allow me to expound. I suppose people (voters in particular) are complex systems of belief, rationalization, and cognitive dissonance. Presumably, people are not single-issue voters; however, one would think citizens at least have the facility to prioritize and evaluate political and other issues to inform their vote. In the grand schema of humanity, one would also think that people place the highest priority or value on self-recognition. That is to say, people make decisions that help support their self-interest, self-worth, and self-preservation as their highest priority, while other factors may be considered secondary or superfluous. For example, one may reason that paying more in taxes is preferable as a trade-off for guaranteeing equal treatment under the law such as not being denied service in a restaurant (or cake shop) for simply being the person he or she is — or assumed to be.

And one would also think that gay people can discern that the RepubliKKKlan party has always and continues to seek to limit and roll back the rights of the LGBTQ community. The RepubliKKKlan party courts and condones hate groups against gay people. It’s that simple. How do gay people reconcile this fact of the RepubliKKKlan party? This is not a fringe belief of the RepubliKKKlan platform; it is central to the party. Pence, as governor, tried to legalize discrimination against gay people. What more f***ing proof does one need? In short, it appears that some gays are attracted to a group that really does see them as second-class citizens, and they don’t care if others in their community are treated as such even though they personally have not. Then again this is the underlying ethos of RepubliKKKlanism: f*** you! I’ve got mine! Incomprehensible! I guess there are still too many gay people that do hate themselves — and hate everyone else like them as a consequence. A common argument is that they are conservative first and gay second, or that being gay is not the only thing that defines them, which is fair, but how do they gravitate toward a party that hates them? Are they that stupid? Yes!

Yet gay republiKKKlans continue to defend in the indefensible. These people are so f***ing stupid I just can’t anymore. If they love being in a party that hates them so much then they should move to Saudi Arabia because I don’t want them voting here anymore.