
Gaza Hospital ‘Attack’

Wow! It took all of five seconds for the American MSM f***tards (viz. MSNBC and CNN) to take Hamas’ word at face value. CNN was the worst of the bunch, and they are really starting to show the network’s subtle anti-semitism, especially for some of the anchors like Jake Tapper, who is their chief advocate of bothsidesism. For hours, the MSM ran with Hamas’ claim that Israel ‘attacked’ one of Gaza’s hospitals while blithely qualifying their reporting with the usual “we have not been able to independently confirm” Hamas’ claim. CNN can’t confirm what Hamas is saying to be true, but Jake Tapper (and others) has no problem continuing to describe the event as an “attack!” What the f***ing hell?!?! I must live in stupid hell. If you can’t confirm the details of the event, then why are you calling it an “attack,” and why are you towing the Hamas line that Israel did? MSM is amplifying a lie. An intentional and obvious lie. I knew it was a lie the second it was uttered. Never believe Hamas. They are all liars and murderers. Why is this so difficult to apprehend? But not the f***tard MSM! Oh, no. If they can’t confirm the story on their own, then they just go with Hamas’ characterization of the event because why not? Death sells. Anti-semitism sells. Un-f***ing-believable!

MSNBC could not escape this “must sell death and destruction” story. Nicolle Wallace fell into the same trap, but at least she had the gumption to interview an Israeli spokesperson about the hospital “attack.” Seeing the spokesperson chastise Wallace immediately for parroting Hamas’ claim that Israel was responsible was gratifying, especially when it was coming to light that another Gaza Strip terrorist group was the cause of the “attack.” Yes! As it turned out, it was a terrorist group’s rocket that misfired. Islamic Jihad blew up their own f***ing hospital and killed their own people because, of course, they did! It was not until Wolf Blitzer’s show that the hospital “attack” was more accurately described as an “explosion,” which they should have been doing from the get-go. MSNBC followed suit in changing the description, but the damage had already been done. (Although, the word “attack” has not been completely purged from their reporting.) The wrong narrative had already been set in stone, helped by morons in America’s MSM.

And allow me to respond to MSM reporting in real time. I literally just heard Raf Sanchez on MSNBC lend Hamas a hand in their propaganda war. As he reports live from Israel, he gave credence to Hamas’ claim that an Israeli rocket hit the hospital because of the number of causalities. He asserted that the large number (if that is truly the case since it is Hamas claiming “hundreds” of dead) of people killed was more consistent with a powerful rocket from Israel as opposed to a smaller, weaker rocket from Hamas. OMG! Was Sanchez born an idiot, or has his stupidity developed over time? Allow me to point out the obvious for f***tards out there. What happens when a smaller, weaker rocket hits a building (or parking lot as is the case here) packed with people? You get causalities consistent with a larger rocket that strikes a less dense space. This is not rocket science (excuse the pun). But Sanchez, either not realizing this fact or unable to grasp the concept, just puts out his “analysis” as if it were logical fact that only an Israeli rocket could have caused the number of dead that Hamas is reporting. He did, however, mention that a crater in the parking lot — which is only characteristic of a large rocket from Israel — was missing at the hospital’s site. All that aside, it is hard to imagine that a rocket hitting a parking lot could have killed 500 people as Hamas claims unless it was a tailgate party before a Bears vs. Packers game. Unbelievable! So he just bothsides the facts of the explosion: It could not have been Israel because of a lack of a crater at the scene, but it could have been Israel because of the number of dead being reported by Hamas — again, a group that lies like a rug on the floor. Nothing about this hospital story makes sense unless one interprets the events in the context of pure propaganda. I give up! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people!

It only takes a simple logical test to verify the invalidity of Hamas’ claim. Cui bono? I will assume the most generous interpretation of the event and assert the missile was indeed a “misfire” and unintentional. Who has the most to gain by claiming the “attack” was purposefully done by Israel? Hamas does. I have no doubt the terrorist group made lemonade out of lemons in this situation. They inadvertently killed their own people, so why not take the opportunity to inflame the wider Arab world? Hamas needs to gin up the emotions of Arabs in other countries because let’s face it: The Arab world has not really been rushing to help Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Arab nations have strong words for Israel, but that’s about it. Not really the response Hamas had been expecting after starting a war with Israel. Their Arab brethren have sacrificed those in Gaza. (I expected nothing less.) Thus, Hamas has been looking for ways to get other countries in the Middle East involved to aid their cause. Bombing their own hospital was the latest tactic, and the MSM gleefully obliged!