Georgia School Shooting — This Is What People Want!

There is no need to quote a news source; here’s the cliff notes version of the story: A 14-year-old brings an AR-styled weapon to his high school and then proceeds to kill two students and two teachers. End of story. However, variations of this event can be refurbished and retold countless times every year because nothing ever changes! Ever! Always the same, every time! Kids, guns, schools, mass death. And no one cares! School shootings are a hot-button topic for me because I think nothing else in this sh*t-for-brains country evinces us more that America is a dying nation, figuratively and literally. This country is simply too stupid to want to do anything. America is literally a death-cult country because no one wants to do anything. The Democratic Party is the only political institution that wants to make America safer from gun violence. In contrast, RepubliKKKlans only want to perpetuate the death cult by making guns more accessible to anyone and everyone. Yet, this nation of f***tards keeps electing RepubliKKKlans into office to ensure America remains awash in guns and gun violence. And then they wonder why nothing ever changes. Welcome to stupid America!