Germany Accedes — Finally

Reporting from Deutsche Welle, “Germany would not stand in the way if Poland sent its German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Sunday in an interview with French television LCI. If Poland were to go ahead and sent its Leopard 2 tanks without German approval, Baerbock said, ‘If we were asked we would not stand in the way.’… Germany has been under considerable pressure both to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine and to allow other countries to send their German-made tanks to Ukrainian forces. But Berlin has been hesitant to send the highly advanced, Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine out of concern it could lead to a widening of the Russian war in Ukraine. Poland has repeatedly slammed Berlin over its hesitant stance. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the national Polish PAP news agency, ‘Germany’s attitude is unacceptable. It has been almost a year since the war began. Innocent people are dying every day.’”

They are finally coming around, and so is France, but honestly, it’s a bit late, although it’s better than never. Not sure why humanity always waits until things get catastrophic before people wake up. And as for Germany being reluctant because of its past involvement in two world wars, I am befuddled why they cannot discern the starkly disparate moments in history. Germany started both World War I and World War II; Russia started this war on Ukraine. And German tanks rolling over Ukraine is by invitation of the Ukrainian government, not by invasion. For Germany to hesitate because of the optics and reminiscence of prior wars is ridiculous. No one believes Germany is the bad guy for helping Ukraine with war materiel. They’re only perceived as the bad guy for doing as little as they have.