Get Ready for Guns Everywhere!

You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! Everyone gets a gun for any reason at any time to carry anywhere. But wait there is more! You get an assault-style weapon. And you get an assault-style weapon! And you get an assault-style weapon! Guns for everyone! Guns everywhere. Conceal and carry or out in the open, slung across one’s chest! On the streets! In parks! In a Walmart! At the gas station! In a bar! No place is exempt! You, too, can be caught in the crossfire! You, too, can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, which is now everywhere one goes at any time! But don’t worry! Nothing matters. This is what Americans want and SCOTUS is ready to deliver the hellscape that is the wild, wild west of every gun-toting moron snowflake becoming judge, jury, and executioner because black and brown people are scary!

If oral arguments before SCOTUS is any indication about where the Second Amendment is headed, then we’re f***ed. From CNN, “The Supreme Court seemed ready to expand Second Amendment rights after hearing arguments for over two hours and expressing skepticism about a New York law that restricts individuals from carrying concealed handguns outside the home for self-defense. … It’s been more than a decade since the justices have decided a significant Second Amendment case and now the conservative-leaning court has the opportunity to reexamine the scope of the right to keep and bear arms in a case brought by an affiliate of the National Rifle Association. The court could potentially allow more guns to be carried on some of the busiest streets in the largest cities in the nation, at a time when the Biden administration has vowed to push for enhanced gun regulations.” Do not expect SCOTUS to strike down the New York law and re-interpret Heller restrictively. Oh, no. I don’t care what some conservative justices may have indicated during their questioning. They will endorse gun ownership as wide open as possible — it is number two on the Bill of Rights after all — citing the very fact that “twenty-one states generally allow people to carry concealed weapons in most public spaces without any permit, background check or safety training.” They’ll point to this factoid and demand to see the out-of-control gun violence in those states. They’ll answer their own question with a resounding “there is none,” and then proceed to open the flood gates for uncontrolled gun ownership and carry in New York, which will be a de facto license for every gun-owning idiot to sue every jurisdiction for the right to carry without restriction. This is the second bite at the apple (aka District of Columbia v. Heller) for which they’ve been waiting.

With rising white supremacy in America and SCOTUS allowing more guns to be carried in society — what could possibly go wrong? F*** public safety! SCOTUS does not care. We get the government we deserve. Worry not! No one cares. This is the America that Americans want, and by God, they’re going to get it in spades! Welcome to stupid America. Dumber today and deader tomorrow!