Get Ready for Religious Tyranny

From CNN, “In a 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court sided with religious organizations in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions put in place by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo limiting the number of people attending religious services.” So, if a pandemic is not sufficient justification to temporarily “restrict” religious liberty in the name of society’s general health then nothing is off-limits. And the term “restrictions” is hardly apt in this case, although it seems to be the charge used by the court. Limiting capacity at church or synagogue services is hardly an imposition that somehow dissuades the faithful from their beliefs. The government is not telling what religions may or may not believe. The court criticized Cuomo’s regulation as “singl[ing] out houses of worship for especially harsh treatment” by citing that houses of worship that can accommodate up to 700 and 1000 must be restricted to 10 or 25 people depending on which level of infection zone (“orange” or “red”) such houses or worship reside. Yes, I agree this seems excessively “restrictive” and even Cuomo agreed by changing the regulation to 50 percent capacity. While Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberal wing of the court arguing the case was now moot because Cuomo changed the policy, the conservatives rendered an opinion anyway, and therein is the real problem. What happens if churches or synagogues seek injunctive relief because 50 percent is too “restrictive” as the pandemic worsens? Why should (why would) a conservative court find 50 percent to be an acceptable — no doubt arbitrary — threshold? In short, the court has set a standard that not even public health is a defense to some, short-term “restrictions” on religious liberty. Thus, opens the flood gates where anything and everything will be permissible in the defense of religious liberty, including discrimination against anyone who is deemed the “other.”

So, I say bring it. Bring it all! Americans have been living far too long — especially dumbass Democrats — in the misguided belief that SCOTUS is not important and that our rights cannot regress. Tell that to the next gay couple — or inter-racial couple for that matter — who will be denied services in the name of religious liberty. Those same “cake” cases will resurface and win handily in this SCOTUS. It has been a long time coming. Wake up America! Get ready for all the things that will be allowed in the name of religious liberty; I only hope dumbass Democrats and progressives fight back because such arguments cut both ways. Welcome to stupid America. Every SCOTUS ruling will be downhill from here, and you did this!