God! I Wish I Had Started This Site Four Years Ago

Susan Del Percio writes on NBC News, “As impossible as this may seem, the GOP has not hit rock bottom — not even close. The party does not want to leave Donald Trump and Trumpism behind; it would rather knock the stuffing out of true conservatives like Utah Sen. Mitt Romney and Cheney. I hear a lot of people discussing the emergence of a ‘new wing’ of the Republican Party. But that’s not going to happen. The Cheneys and Romneys of the party will be long gone by the time the Republican Party turns itself around. Until then, the GOP will continue to nominate the most extreme representatives. Perhaps, eventually, such extremism will knock state and local leaders out of power. But when? It will be a long and ugly time for the party. We thought Trump was the worst. But it turns out the worst is yet to come.” Another RepubliKKKlan strategist, Sophia Nelson, writes in a U.S.A. Today opinion piece, “Trump won the 2020 election. Joe Biden is not president. Kamala Harris is missing in action on the border crisis. America has no racial baggage. Sixteen nineteen did not happen – slavery needs to be gotten over. American history started in 1776. Jim Crow is over. We had a Black president. The police are victims of antifa and Black Lives Matter. The libs are going to take your steaks, your hamburgers, Mr. Potato Head – and turn America into Venezuela.”

These sentiments echo what I have been saying privately ever since traitor trump was elected. I have said this before and I will say it again: America is first and foremost misogynistic, then racist, and then homophobic, in that order. (It’s the culture war, stupid. Always has been. And now it is conspiracy theories on top of it.) When it comes to purging Liz Cheney, the RepubliKKKlan party is showing its misogyny in spades. (Replacing an outspoken woman who speaks truth to power with another woman who is expected to toe the big line message and shut up otherwise is misogyny. Make no mistake, morons.) It’s the misogyny that killed Hillary Clinton’s election. “But her emails” was just the right excuse to vote against here while hiding one’s hatred for strong women in power. Moreover, people voted for Biden, not Harris. And I guess I must repeat myself by saying not all or even most of America is misogynistic, racist, and homophobic, but enough are these things, especially in parts of the country that count politically. So, once again I must repeat: It really is a political minority (RepubliKKKlans) that hold more power than their numbers should dictate, and it doesn’t help dumbass Democrats are weak and feckless to counter RepubliKKKlans. Have you ever noticed RepubliKKKlans generally retain power longer and dumbass Democrats tend to lose it?

The last point is this: The RepubliKKKlan Party and America’s democracy died the day traitor trump won. I had foreseen it then and I see it continuing now because America is just too f***ing stupid and apathetic to do anything about it. Traitor trump is the mirror and his supporters are the reflection and the people love how they look. The RepubliKKKlan Party is now the party of traitor trump; it was on the very day he won. No one else saw it, but I did. These never-trumpers and other ex-RepubliKKKlans who seem to finally be coming to terms with the realization that the RepubliKKKlan Party has long since given up on trying to turn some “corner” away from traitor trump are a day late and a dollar short — and morons to boot! And just to remind the f***tards out there: Biden’s win was luck! Pure luck! I said it before and I guess I have to keep saying it. Biden’s popular vote win in key swing states in 2020 was less — I repeat less — than the popular vote in key swing states that traitor trump won by in 2016. That 77,000 vote margin that gave traitor trump the presidency is more than the margin that put Biden in office, so this country is not even close to repudiating traitor trump. But don’t worry, idiots! States are fixing (i.e., rigging) their election processes to make sure Democrats can’t win again. Then add redistricting on top of that. The big question is will traitor trump run again? To that, I say absolutely! I said before traitor trump is not going anywhere and he is not. He is not going to jail and he won’t even face justice because dumbass Democrats are weak. So m*****f***ing G.D. weak! No state nor the DOJ is going to prosecute him. They should be indicting traitor trump for everything he did in the last four years, but they won’t, thereby clearing the way for him to run again, and the RepubliKKKlan will endorse him wholeheartedly. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed, Del Percio was right: It’s about to get much, much worse! (And no one cares!)