Going Hypersonic — Thank You, Biden

From CNN, “The US successfully tested a hypersonic missile in mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden was about to travel to Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter. … The US has placed a renewed emphasis on hypersonic weapons following successful Russian and Chinese tests in recent months, exacerbating the concern in Washington that the US is falling behind on a military technology considered critical for the future. … The US has been careful not to take steps or make statements that could unnecessarily escalate the tensions between Washington and Moscow. On Friday, the US canceled a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to avoid any misinterpretation by Russia. Austin had already postponed the test in early March to avoid any actions that could be misconstrued by Russia at such a sensitive time.”

It is about f***ing time that America started to advance in hypersonic technology. It’s embarrassing that Russia and China have been ahead of us with this type of weaponry. Clearly, it took Biden to light a fire under the American military, for traitor trump could not achieve the same success with his administration because he was too busy golfing. Of course, the Biden administration got it done, while the traitor trump administration allowed enemy states to advance ahead of America. So much for traitor trump’s “America First” scam. With traitor trump, RepunliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always been America last in the world, and America’s lack of hypersonic technology under the traitor trump is a perfect example of it!

Now, I wish America et al. would stop worrying about escalating tensions with Putin. Look, f***atrds! Putin will do what Putin is going to do regardless of what America says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do. He doesn’t need a reason to escalate because he’ll just make one up. He’s already blamed everything and everyone else for the invasion, the failed progress of the war, and Russia’s military retreat. So, it doesn’t matter what the West says or does. In fact, our holding back actually signals weakness to Putin, so we should be out, loud, and proud in the face of Putin. Wake the f*** up, America! Wake the f*** up Western et al. nations! Now is the time to crush Putin and Russia! The West needs to rid the world of this terrorist leader and the terrorist nation before it’s too late!