Golfing Off on Taxpayers’ Dime

If there is one term that characterizes RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons more than stupid then it is hypocrisy; there is nothing more rebarbative to a person, but a good 44% of the f***tards in this country clearly don’t mind telling other people how to live while they conduct themselves in the exact same manner they criticize others of doing. (I won’t even get into the hypocrisy of the religious right–a special kind of hypocrisy for the very, very, very stupid.) The classic example with traitor trump is his criticism of Obama’s golfing: “Can you believe that, [] with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. [] Worse than Carter[.]” Yet, traitor trump’s golfing habit has been the worst of any president in history and cost more money unnecessarily. And no one seems to care! They only care when a black man is president otherwise traitor trump wastes taxpayer money without concern and consequences (as he recommends cutting taxpayer dollars to other important programs) because republiKKKlans and MAGA morons think he is a hardworking and successful president, which is so beyond laughable that it can only be suggested and realized in a m*****f***ing stupid America. Don’t look now but here we are. So stupid that it hurts. Welcome to stupid America!