Good for Biden

Politico headline reads, “‘I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever.’” If Democrats want to rebuke Sanders then they need to do it decisively. Otherwise, there will always be a suspicion that the election was stolen from Sanders…again. No matter what though, Bernie Bros will spoil the general election…again. So, I can’t wait for that! Unlike the RepubliKKKlan hard-right, the hard-left never seem to fall in line, which is why liberals and progressives generally lose.

It’s a fight between Biden and Sanders now. Everyone needs to get the f*** out of the race, especially Warren who placed third in her own state. If I have to hear one more f***ing progressive female talkshow host keep telling everyone that Warren can still pull out a win then I’m going to go f***ing G.D. postal! Seriously! Nothing f***ing raises my ire more than delusional wishful thinking. It shows a real lack of intellect. Warren was never going to be the candidate; I don’t care how qualified she may have been, but the electorate is not going to risk another female candidate because this is America and we don’t really do women or gays or Jews as president. May I remind the reader that my idealized president is a half-black, half-Latina, half-Indian, transgender lesbian atheist for president just to see every RepubliKKKlans’, MAGA morons’, and evil Evangelicals’ head explode! Yet, I’m a realist and I understand that will never happen. Americans like old white guys. So be it, but stop trying to wish someone into office that is never going to happen, and that includes a female president. We are just not there yet. And please stop with the line that Hillary won the election. Ugh. No! She! Did! Not! Otherwise, traitor trump would not be in the White House. We don’t elect presidents by popular vote as shockingly f***tarded as that may be! Welcome to stupid America!