Good! I’m Glad They Died!

From CNN, “[Bob and Sue Walker] died of Covid-19 over the holidays on separate floors in an Arizona hospital. The couple found out they had Covid-19 just before Thanksgiving — Sue was tested in the hospital while getting treatment for what they thought was a COPD flare-up and Bob took a home test when his wife tested positive. Neither of their parents were vaccinated and they both had health issues, son Jonathan Walker, 42, said. He said his dad had kidney problems and other health issues in the past and had recently had part of his foot amputated because of complications from diabetes.”

Good! F*** them! Honestly, I am so over the f***ing G.D. stupid. I can’t stand it anymore. And I love how CNN runs these personal story features as a way to give a face to the “tragedy” that is COVID. Oh, f***ing spare me! All that these stories prove is this: Stupid is as stupid does. In fact, these stories actually make me happy. Hopefully, these were two RepubliKKKlan voters. Lord Jesus! We can only pray so. Clearly, these two special morons were not taking care of themselves in the first place — the dude had out-of-control diabetes, and the see you next Tuesday wife had COPD, which is just a nice way of saying emphysema caused by, no doubt, chain-smoking. I have no idea how these paragons of healthy living thought that they were especially exempt from the worst of COVID, but apparently, they thought they were untouchable — Ivermectin or horse paste protected, I suppose. Un-f***ing-believable. But, whatever. Like I said. I’m glad. They should have died sooner. Stupid people will die in stupid ways. So, congratu-f***ing-lations, morons. You got what you deserved and what any person with two brain cells to rub together could have predicted. Please, anti-vaxxers, just f***ing die already. Too many of you are still kicking! Now, ask me how I really feel. Welcome to stupid America.