
Government Shutdown — But, of Course!

According to Reuters, “Republicans who control the U.S. House of Representatives failed to advance two spending bills on Tuesday, as party infighting threatened the ability of Congress to fund the government and avert a partial shutdown at the end of the month. The House voted 214-212 to defeat a measure that would have opened debate on an $886 billion fiscal 2024 defense appropriations bill, with five hardline Republican conservatives joining Democrats to oppose their party’s own measure.”

Why is this happening? Look in the f***ing mirror, a**holes. Unlike others who blame RepubliKKKlans solely for this mess, I blame voters, too, because I live in stupid f***ing hell. This happens every f***ing time. Every time, because Americans are a bunch of f***tards who know nothing and understand nothing. What the f*** did voters think would happen by giving RepubliKKKlan control of the House? Were idiot Americans expecting cooperation? Were they expecting some sort of mass reconciliation between the parties? Were they hoping for leadership from the RepubliKKKlan Party? Truly, are Americans that f***ing stupid and naive? Apparently! All of this dysfunction was utterly predictable! Everyone — except moronic RepubliKKKlan voters — saw this coming, or perhaps this is what voters actually intended. I wouldn’t put it past f***tard voters. The RepubliKKKlan Party is the party of chaos, and people love it. As I keep saying, people get the government they deserve and desire, and they’re about to get a government shutdown — and they love it because I live in stupid hell.

I say bring it! It seems the only way morons of America ever learn anything — if they are capable — is to touch the hot stove repeatedly. We’ve been through this numerous times, all at the hands of RepubliKKKlans who keep asserting government shutdowns help their cause, and to some extent, they are correct because it certainly doesn’t hurt their re-election prospects in the long term. They keep getting re-elected. Moreover, I don’t think Democrats should lift one G.D. finger to help RepubliKKKlans, especially after they opened an impeachment inquiry into Biden. F*** that and f*** them! Conservatives were voted into power to “lead,” so let them lead — fecklessly. Let them burn it down because I guess idiot Americans need to be reminded that RepubliKKKlans can’t govern — don’t want to govern — again. (Only to forget in two years because Americans really are just too f***ing stupid to learn anything for long.) This is what a dying country looks like. Look in the mirror, f***tards. You did this to yourself! Welcome to stupid America! All stupid, all the time. It never f***ing fails!