Guilty on All Counts!

According to CNN, “Now that a New York jury has convicted former President Donald Trump of all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, the next obvious question is: Can a convicted felon run for president? Definitely.” Because, of course!

I will get to the quote in a minute, but first, let me say that I did not see this outcome coming. I’m just as shocked as most people that a jury unanimously found a former president guilty of criminal behavior. I thought for sure this (any) jury would be hopelessly deadlocked, and traitor trump would get off because of a hung jury, for the New York D.A. would not be willing to bring a second trial. And this completely blows up my First Axiom — oops! I can only hope that my inability to predict the outcome of this trial accurately means I’m entirely wrong about traitor trump winning in November. (We’ll see.) Indeed, the rule of law and democracy have prevailed in this seminal moment. But wait! I cannot so readily concede. There is a nagging recalcitrance, an overriding cynicism, an unwavering contrarian streak in me that must ask how this traitor trump conviction can be undone. Although we are years away from a final disposition as this case will wind its way through the appeals process, what is certain is that this case will eventually end up before SCOTUS, without a doubt. There is no way the justices will not take up this appeal to answer the question: Can a former president, a current presidential candidate, and what could be — depending on the timeline — a sitting president get a fair trial or even be held accountable to the law through a trial (versus impeachment). I think we know that at least three justices believe the president — past, president, and future — is above the law. Again, I’ve been saying this forever: This SCOTUS, as constituted, believes in — indeed, desires to have — an imperial (RepubliKKKlan) president. This is the long shadow, the legacy of a supremely stupid country that elected traitor trump and allowed him to put three uber-conservative justices on the Supreme Court. Oh, well!

In the meantime, let’s talk about the immediate future and, speaking of the long shadow, the naivete of our Founding Fathers who failed to include language in the Constitution that would bar criminals from running for the Office of President. Sadly, they believed citizens would be intelligent enough, and politicians would be honorable enough to preclude such a situation. For nearly 250 years, our society has succeeded in such a belief, but then came the dumbest president ever to sit in the White House, ushered in by the dumbest electorate in the history of the world, and the country was changed in the worst ways forever.

Moreover — and perhaps most depressing — this conviction will change nothing in the race for the White House. Absolutely f***ing nothing because I live in stupid hell! RepubliKKKlans will double down in their support for their criminal candidate because, at its core, the RepubliKKKlan Party is a criminal enterprise that attracts other criminal politicians and criminal-loving voters. (The RepubliKKKlan Party was never the “law and order” party.) And dumbass Democrats — as usual — will fail to capitalize on traitor trump’s conviction because they still have no clue how to play political hardball. Pathetic! The only honorific that should be coming out of every Democrat’s mouth is “convicted felon trump.” But that will never happen because f***tard Democrats are always too nice. Whatever! I’ve given up on the party and Biden. They’re just too f***ing weak to win. Just check any presidential poll! Now, there is allegedly a sliver of the electorate that has claimed they will not vote for a convicted felon for president. I’m not sure I believe that. (I would not be surprised if traitor trump’s standing in the polls went up after this conviction because I expect nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country.) In the end, it’s the economy, stupid! Always has been, always will be. If a convicted felon can put a few more shekels in voters’ wallets than a non-criminal president, then so be it! How many times must I say it? How many f***ing times? Americans are simply too f***ing stupid to keep their democracy; they just don’t care! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America. The end is here!