Gun Control: DOA

The human turtle McConnell has already killed any gun control legislation — right on cue. His home state newspaper, Lexington Herald-Leader, writes, “McConnell did not place guns at the center of his legislative updates to rotary clubs and business groups throughout the commonwealth. Rather, he notably appeared to narrow the conversation to ‘two broad categories that underscore the problem.’ … ‘Mental illness and school safety are what we need to target,” he said in Mt. Sterling on Thursday, adding that it must be ‘something consistent with the Second Amendment.’”

Look, f***tards. McConnell is not going to allow any gun legislation to pass the Senate. I don’t give one G.D. f*** what dumbass Democrats claim these “meetings” with RepubliKKKlans are producing. As I’ve written before, RepubliKKKlans are taking Democrats for a ride with the theatrics of appearing to want to be doing “something.” That something is meaningless, and McConnell has signaled on two occasions that he’s not interested in legislation that would prevent the next Uvalde or Buffalo massacre. No! He’s talking about mental health and turning schools into prisons that are more fortress than institutions of learning because that’s what Americans want. Mark my words, morons! Nothing is going to change, and McConnell will make sure of that. And just to be clear: Mental health and school safety legislation in the name of “gun control” is meaningless and worthless. It is the epitome of doing nothing! It’s an aspirin for a gunshot wound. Welcome to stupid America, where nothing ever changes for the better because FREEDOM!