Guns Everywhere — Who Cares?

According to CNN, “Eight people were shot and eight others injured in a mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway during Tuesday morning rush hour, according to FDNY spokesperson Amanda Farinacci. A preliminary investigation shows a possible smoke device was detonated, according to a senior law enforcement official. The NYPD said that there were no active explosive devices at this time.”

Eh! So, what? Who cares anymore? Seriously? This is just another day in America with a mass shooting, and nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. This is yet another “thoughts and prayers” moment from RepubliKKKlans who will insist more guns everywhere is actually safer — good guys with guns outnumber bad guys with guns as if each wears an identifying badge. Dumbass Democrats will get hammered for being “soft on crime” because they are against guns-for-all policies and for gun regulation. Guns are the problem! So, whatever! I’m tired of writing about gun violence in America because nothing ever changes. I am becoming more convinced that this is, ultimately, Mother Nature thinning the herd of America’s idiocracy. America is too stupid to fix the problem of gun violence, so nature will take care of the problem for us.

Moreover, this is how RepubliKKKlans gain power, and dumbass Democrats lose it because typically, the smart ones are shot, leaving morons of America to rule the country and — most importantly — sell more guns! You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! RepubliKKKlans always win the argument when it comes to gun violence. Morons of America always believe the RepubliKKKlan rhetoric and never give Democrats the power to change gun laws. It’s always the same, every time. Make no mistake, f***tards! This is what RepubliKKKlans want; they want a society living in perpetual fear of everyone else, especially minorities; they want everyone armed to justify and execute their actions when they are afraid, which is at all times ideally. What a society! No one cares. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! It’s Tuesday! Oh, and FREEDOM!