

So much to unpack in this one graph. First, I thought Ramaswamy was supposed to be this great dark horse hope of the RepubliKKKlan Party who brought something unique to the race, and people were paying attention to him. At least, that’s what the MSM has been touting. Womp! Womp! He’s polling near the bottom, besting Christie, which is like the lowest bar possible to overcome. I will never cease to be amazed that a brown-skinned minority thinks he can be the leader of a white nationalist party. It takes an incomprehensible amount of self-delusion to think of oneself as “in the running” of a party where racial discrimination is a cornerstone of their political identity. Just to be clear: The good old boys of the RepubliKKKlan Party ain’t never going to back a sand-n*****! (They’re words, not mine!) But whatever! I guess, by definition, conservative minorities love the punishment and have no self-respect when cavorting with such a party of haters.

Second, the race is over. Not sure when the other idiot candidates will apprehend this. It’s actually been over for a while — if it ever really started — but I expected nothing less from a completely brain-dead political party. And if I have to hear one more f***tard MSM pundit or RepubliKKKlan candidate tell me the race still has a long way to go, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. It’s as if traitor trump had never descended the golden escalators, as if he’s never run away with the nomination before, as if a hands-off approach worked the last time, and as if being afraid of traitor trump is actually the winning strategy. Once again, the dumbest of the dumb are repeating the same 2016 mistakes by assuming circumstances will ruin traitor trump’s run for office. Not! Going! To! Happen! F***tards! It’s already too late. And it’s game over, idiots! Do any of the morons in that graph really think they can catch up to traitor trump? Probably, for they are just as delusional as the RepubliKKKlan base. This party attracts f***tards by definition.

Third, DeSantis! Another f***ing moron. So, DeSantis is a f***tard who I long predicted never had a chance, even when he was neck-in-neck with traitor trump. Look, idiots! The details of the actual policies don’t matter. They never really did, although DeSantis thought he could out-flank traitor trump by being more aggressive and further to the right of the orange man on culture war issues. The problem with that tactic is that the RepubliKKKlan base already knows that traitor trump is as far right as the party can get on culture war issues; it’s just that he doesn’t advertise it like DeSantis does, which attracts unwanted scrutiny. Even the base understands one must be more subtle with demonstrating outright hatred. Moreover, traitor trump has a certain “happy warrior” quality, whereas DeSantis truly evinces a wet noodle personality. This is why DeSantis never had a chance and never will. Welcome to stupid America!