Wow! This looks bad. Ostensibly, the “None of these candidates” votes are a stand-in for traitor trump, but still, it is a pathetic result for Haley to lose to … no one! Her 30 percent is consistent with other contests and polls, and it evinces a faction of the RepubliKKKlan Party that is “anti-trump,” which I contend really does exist. When push comes to shove, they’ll vote for traitor trump in the general election, like they always do. I’m still not sure why Haley remains in the race. Has she learned nothing yet? How is it that she remains utterly oblivious to the mainstream racist and misogynist beliefs of her party? The RepubliKKKlan base is never going to vote for a person of color or a woman for president. Never! Whatever! So embarrassing. Welcome to stupid America!