Hello, RepubliKKKlans Are the Enemy

The Hill reports, “‘There’s an awful lot of really good Republicans out there,’ he said Saturday at a Massachusetts fundraiser. ‘I get in trouble for saying that with Democrats, but the truth of the matter is, every time we ever got in trouble with our administration, remember who got sent up to Capitol Hill to fix it? Me. Because they know I respect the other team.’” OMG! I’m starting to hate Biden. This dotard, weak relic from the last century is still under the impression that RepubliKKKlans are willing to work with Democrats. I can’t! I can’t take his stupidity. I’m sorry. What exactly did Biden help fix on Capitol Hill? The ACA? Last I checked that passed without a single RepubliKKKlan vote. Gun control reform? Nothing happened there. Merrick Garland? RepubliKKKlans blocked him to the very end. If you ask me Biden was feckless in getting the help of RepubliKKKlans to pass anything meaningful to Democrats. Un-f***ing-believable. It is still the typical Democratic mentality of bringing a knife to a gunfight! RepubliKKKlans will never want to work with Democrats, yet the frontrunner is too stupid to believe otherwise, and this is why traitor trump is going to win. Sorry to burst your bubble, morons. This country reveres strong and wrong over right and, in the end, it is the citizens of a trump stupid country that show up to vote. Mark my words! We are a country that is lead by the minority while the majority simply does not care, but said majority will b*tch endlessly about how nothing ever changes. Obama was spot on when he said don’t get angry, go vote! Yet, the country can’t even be bothered to do that! Welcome to stupid America!