Herding Cats

According to Politico, “Pelosi argues that Democrats must stick together on procedural votes, which is the traditional view of party leaders on both sides of the aisle. Hoyer and Clyburn, however, have suggested that moderate members can vote with Republicans if they think it will improve their political standing.” This is a perfect example of why Democrats usually lose (elections). For the love of f***ing God!  Why can’t Democrats just be ruthless for once in their f***ing lives? Do you know why America is a tyranny of the minority over the majority? That is to say, why is it that a majority of Americans are center-right to center-left, yet we live under hard-right policies and tendencies. Why is it that the vast majority of citizens favor background checks for gun purchases (or higher taxes on the rich or addressing climate change–you name it), yet what we actually get is nothing or just the opposite. Under RepubliKKKlan control of the House enhanced background check legislation was defeated in the wake of Sandy Hook. Under a RepubliKKKlan president, the U.S. pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement and continues to roll back government policies to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. Time after time, policies the American people want or favor are rejected by RepubliKKKlans, and Democrats can only sit by and watch because they never have enough power. When Democrats do have any power they never use it fully or they give it away, as in this example when some sided with RepubliKKKlans on a procedural vote. Democrats are always too willing to placate and pander to RepubliKKKlans. President Clinton was correct when he said, “When people feel uncertain, they’d rather have somebody that’s strong and wrong than somebody who’s weak and right.” Can you say traitor trump!?!? So here we are in the most uncertain times in decades, and some Democrats are worried about always being right in the eyes of their constituents. Pelosi is correct: Democrats get your act together! F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!