Here We Go Again

From The Hill, “Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that he regrets telling radio host Charlamagne Tha God earlier in the day that if you support President Trump ‘then you ain’t black.’ Speaking on a call with black business leaders, Biden described the remarks as ‘cavalier’ and said he never meant to seem as if he was taking black voters for granted or telling them who they ought to support. ‘I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy. I shouldn’t have been so cavalier,’ Biden said.” What have you got to lose? Apparently, that was enough for black people to sit on their hands in 2016, which lead directly to traitor trump’s victory. Oh, yes! I still blame the black community above all else for traitor trump being in office because clearly this segment of the voting population couldn’t make up their minds between traitor trump and Hillary Clinton, as if the decision was equivalent to a coin toss.

And here we go again with Biden stating the obvious — with all the correct and fulsome snark due such a comment and I’m not the only one — that some (one is too many) in the black community are suggesting Biden is no better, no worse than traitor trump and somehow Biden needs to be vetted for his history on black relations and black issues. Whatever! I give up! Yeah, I get the black community feels marginalized by the Democratic party as the party probably does take the black vote for granted at times, but sadly we live in a two-party system and the choice is always to vote for the least bad option. I’m sorry! That is life! But who am I! Sometimes I think just f*** it all! I suppose maybe things have not deteriorated enough for some people to be convinced. Fine! Go ahead! Re-elect the white nationalist for another term as black folks are literally gunned down in the streets in what equates to modern-day lynchings. Vote for traitor trump! Or don’t vote, which is still a vote for traitor trump. What do black people have to lose?