Here We Go: Get Ready to Lose

According to The Hill, “President Trump on Friday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate committed a gaffe by telling supporters that ‘poor kids’ are ‘just as talented as white kids’ before correcting himself to say ‘wealthy kids.’ … ‘Joe is not playing with a full deck. He made that comment, I said “woah,”’ Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a fundraiser in the Hamptons.” So, here we go with the media helping traitor trump put the nail into the coffin of Biden’s presidential bid. Clearly, the MSM simply ignores the daily gaffe machine of traitor trump because they are morons, while one gaffe from Biden — which admittedly is not uncommon for him — becomes headline news (literally). Moreover, to be fair Biden realized that he misspoke at the moment and tried to correct his train of thought by elaborating on the comment. Yet, traitor trump understands how to land a precise and pithy punch, against which dumbass Democrats are feckless to respond. I’m sorry, but saying Biden is not playing with a full deck seemingly rings true enough with morons to help traitor trump win re-election, despite his own repeated slurring during speeches, stumbling over words and blatant stupid-speak. But this is trump stupid America, so all those traitor trump gaffes speak directly to enough RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons to ensure his next win, while Biden is simply seen as being weak and too old. F*** me! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America!