Here’s Another Thing I Got Right, Although Not That Prescient

I was just writing about this possibility a week ago. From the Tampa Bay Time, “Florida Republican lawmakers on Thursday returned to the hot topic of parental rights in schools, a theme that Gov. Ron DeSantis has seized on during the pandemic and that Republican lawmakers are willing to continue fighting for during the legislative session. … But the measures drew fierce criticism, including from members of the LGBTQ community, who argued that the latter proposal appeared to target and minimize their concerns by prohibiting discussion in elementary schools about gender identity and sexual orientation. … Several speakers rose to oppose the bill, primarily over the section on sexual orientation and gender identity. They suggested the item was stigmatizing, and noted that lawmakers did not attempt to tackle any other potentially controversial matters that might arise in school.”

Make no mistake, f***tards! This is a direct attack on the LGBTQ community while under the veiled notion of parental rights. The aim is very simple: Deny LGBTQ people their humanity by claiming gayness as being something that is harmful to children; ignore that the LGBTQ community is an underclass by making it illegal to discuss the topic. This is the new “gays are pedophiles” attack! They want to put gays back in the closet. All because white straight cis parents are m*****f***ing G.D. snowflakes who can’t handle reality or nature for that matter. The only people who are afraid to allow schools to decide relevant curricula are those bigoted, homophobic haters. Full stop! No exceptions! They are all RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals. Full stop! No exceptions! I have yet to hear about one piece of legislation moving through a RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) legislature seeking to ban or alert parents about school curricula that claim white straight Christians impose their belief system on American society and politics. And do you really think this type of anti-LGBTQ censorship is going to stop at schools and libraries? Florida is about to pass an anti-“white discomfort” bill, which also applies to private businesses. How long before a white straight cis male gets “uncomfortable” working with a gay coworker for no particular reason other than the coworker is gay? The white discomfort bill is ostensibly aimed at content related to teaching students and training employees, but we all know RepubliKKKlans never let the words or intent of the law stop them from claiming white privilege infringement. Mark my words! It’s coming!

I have been warning you morons since the founding of this blog that LGBTQ rights are under attack and that RepubliKKKlans are coming for our rights next. These new “protect my virgin ears” and “but the children” laws are not being created in a vacuum. With the new super-majority of conservative justices dictating SCOTUS moves and opinions, these new flavors of anti-LGBTQ laws are just the beginning. Mark my words. First, it will be outlawing conversations about LGBTQ people and issues. Then, it will be outlawing LGBTQ behavior, all protected under the notion of states’ rights and there being no such thing as a right to privacy embedded in the Constitution — an idea that is soon to be re-realized by a theocratic-leaning SCOTUS when they reverse Row. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying this to you morons, but it is all related! CRT, LGBTQ rights, Roe, voting rights, traitor trump, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers! It’s all related, people. All of it. You guys need to be thinking about the RepubliKKKlan long game because it is playing out as we speak. But this is what happens in a country full of stupid, apathetic people who worry more about Facebook and Twitter than voting! And for all those gay f***tards, in particular, who thought traitor trump would be no worse than any other RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) president, you people really are the dumbest of humanity. You gay traitor trump voters have really doomed yourselves! So, congratulations. This is the consequence of your political ignorance and indifference. The stupid is going to kill us all, but the gays will be first! Oh, well! You just played yourselves.