He’s Right for a Reason: The Economy, Stupid!

From Raw Story, “MSNBC was harshly criticized on Saturday for their coverage of the 2020 Nevada Caucuses. In one segment, James Carville blasted Nevada voters who backed Bernie Sanders. Anchor Nicolle Wallace said it sounds like ‘political suicide’ and anchor Chris Matthews compared it to France falling to the Nazis in World War II.” Look! I know people think Carville is some ancient political hack from the ’90s, but I think he has a very keen sense of the larger political landscape of America. He has long been right about “The economy, Stupid!” It always has been and it always will be about the economy, and that includes the American love affair with capitalism, predatory capitalism, and disaster capitalism. If there is one thing Americans love more than anything else is the delusion of succeeding by giving to the rich while f***ing the poor. (For most of the masses, it’s about the economy — for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals it’s still about bigotry, racism, and other hatreds.) As long as someone can look down on the person underneath them to raise themselves up then Americans are happy! Mark my words, morons. There are simply not enough voters outside the Democratic Party (and within even) that will vote for Sanders over traitor trump while at the same time not enrage even more nonvoters to actually vote for traitor trump. No one is going to rock the boat on this economy especially with talk of socialism even though most people are too stupid to understand more socialism is the right thing to do for Americans! Welcome to stupid America!

If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: America is not going to whip-saw from a constant 40-year trend of a widening wealth gap (thanks to Reagan) to a sudden egalitarian society based on the ideals of socialism. Even though America was born on the back of revolution, Americans are not revolutionary — sadly! I’m still on the side of burning it all the f*** down, but I’m also practical; I understand that America is not there and never will be! Things will go on, worsening by one election after another because America is just too f***ing stupid. Traitor trump is the tipping point from which America cannot — will not — recover. What the morons have not realized yet is that traitor trump broke this country and continues to break it further for good. Not only has he created a cult of personality that can only be broken by wholesale extermination of his followers from society (i.e., life), but the RepubliKKKlan Party has cemented its ability to entrench itself into all the critical parts of power, namely the Senate and the Judiciary. We will be living with the consequences of this administration for at least a couple of generations. Mark my words, f***tards. And no one f***ing cares!

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise, but whatever!