
‘He’s [Everyone’s] Started to Move On’

From the DailyBeast, “‘Every reporter called me up and said this time feels different,’ the Senate Democratic aide said. ‘I was like, am I missing something?’” This Senate Democratic aide is the first person I’ve read that actually knows what the f*** is going on! He’s a genius in my mind. While every other f***tard politician, pundit, and news person was literally repeating the same line about the El Paso and Dayton mass shooting terrorist attacks — “this time feels different” — I kept screaming: no it doesn’t you f***ing morons! How many f***ing times must I say it? Once again and as always, people have no f***ing understanding of the essence of America! I don’t play devil’s advocate because it’s the easiest position to take hoping I’m going to be right. I take such positions because I f***ing know I’m going to be right. I understand the essence of this country! Nothing is ever going to change with gun control (and with other serious issues) unless and until Democrats take back total control of the government by significant margins, which means moronic voters need to vote Democratic, and that’s unlikely because most people in the country are too stupid or too lazy or both to care enough to vote. Seriously! It’s one domestic terrorist attack after another in this country and eventually the collective response becomes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. When the public takes to the streets — and I mean all the streets — in massive protests and exercise civil disobedience like the Hong Kong protestors then maybe I’ll start to believe otherwise, but when domestic terrorist attacks are followed by weak demonstrations scattered around the country then I know nothing will change. Americans are still weak and apathetic to want to effectuate real change! Welcome to trump stupid America where we keep hoping something will be different just as soon as we do nothing first! Un-f***ing-believable!