He’s Still Acting?

CNN reports, “Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney is on shaky ground in the wake of a bad week for President Trump, according to multiple sources with knowledge of discussions surrounding the whistleblower fallout. … What Trump and other aides are frustrated with, according to the sources, is that Mulvaney did not have a strategy for defending and explaining the contents of those documents as soon as they were publicly released.” And here I thought traitor trump hired all the best people! Of course, he’s going to throw him under the bus because everyone who is still around traitor trump still hasn’t figured out that he never takes responsibility for failures and that he’ll blame anyone but himself, which means eventually everyone gets the embarrassing boot. They don’t care because they’re morons who keep thinking as long as they stay out of the way then they’re safe — no one is ever safe in traitor trump world! I am a bit confused, nonetheless, because I thought they had a strategy when they invited other RepubliKKKlans to preview the documents before being released. They developed talking points, which traitor trump sycophants dutifully regurgitated upon request. No matter. Mulvaney’s job is safe because traitor trump is running out of “only the best people.” Welcome to stupid America!