From Politico, “Federal officials are looking into whether the gunman who killed eight people at a Dallas-area mall expressed an interest in white supremacist ideology as they work to try to discern a motive for the attack, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. The official cautioned the investigation is in its early stages. Federal agents have been reviewing social media accounts they believe Mauricio Garcia, 33, used and posts that expressed interest in white supremacist and neo-Nazi views, said the official, who could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity. Garcia also had a patch on his chest when he was killed by police that read ‘RWDS,’ an acronym for the phrase ‘Right Wing Death Squad,’ which is popular among right-wing extremists and white supremacy groups, the official said [emphasis added.”
Have you noticed that morons are completely unaware people? Unaware and — axiomatically — abjectly stupid with no understanding of history or the ideology to which they subscribe. This Garcia f***tard owns a mirror, I assume? One glance should have informed him that he is a member of a minority despised by Nazis — neo or original. (Granted, even Hitler’s Nazi movement included Untermenschen Slavs — who were a half-step up the pecking order of contempt from the Jews — in its ranks, but that was at a point when they were desperate for bodies.) So, it’s not unheard of that those hated by a group should be included in said group. The fact that those hated would want to be part of an organization that detests them is, of course, incomprehensible. But I digress. In this modern-day instance, we have a Latino — and what any white supremacist member would call a “spic” among themselves — presumably hating on every other minority group. The richness of the irony is never lost. This is just more validation that these spic Nazis hate themselves more than anything, so they take it out on society when really they should put a bullet in their head before taking any futher action. Welcome to stupid America!