From CNN, “‘I did nothing wrong at all,’ he said in an interview with ABC News recorded over the weekend at his home in Los Angeles and broadcast Tuesday. ‘However, was it poor judgment to be in the middle of something that is — it’s a swamp, in many ways? Yeah. Did I do anything improper? No, not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever,’ he said.” WTF? This is why dumbass Democrats are going to lose because apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from traitor trump, least of all admit nothing. Seriously!?!? It sounds like Hunter “doth protest too much, methinks.” Worse still he should never admit he used poor judgment because now RepubliKKKlkans will start to question what else has he used poor judgment? In short, it sounds like a tacit admission. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats are just as guilty as RepubliKKKlans of rank stupidity on occasion.