Hope: ‘We’re f—ed’

According to Politico, “There’s growing concern — bordering on alarm — about the potential impact in 2022 of the raft of new voting restrictions. … It didn’t take long before the implications became clear to [Democratic] party officials and voting rights activists. In a state that Joe Biden carried by fewer than 12,000 votes last year, the new law stood to wipe out many of the party’s hard-fought gains — and put them at a decisive disadvantage. … Democratic efforts to model midterm turnout under the new laws remain in their infancy. But even without a sophisticated understanding of the practical effect, there is widespread fear that the party isn’t doing enough to counter these efforts, or preparing for an election conducted under, in some instances, a dramatically different set of rules governing voter access. … What’s missing, however, is an overarching tactical plan to counter the restrictions in the states where they stand to wreak the most harm on Democratic chances. The party and its affiliated interest groups are preparing to spend millions of dollars litigating against restrictive voting laws and bolstering turnout operations, but Democrats have been largely splintered in their response. One reason: widespread hopes and expectations that Washington or the courts will provide some remedy [emphasis added].”

Whatever, dumbass Democrats! It’s already too late, f***tards. And it’s too late because of dumbass Democrats’ favorite political strategy: hope! I so give up on this party and its feckless insouciance. That’s all Democrats do is hope (for change). That m*****f***ing G.D. hope-y change-y bullsh*t attitude is destroying the party against the inimical calculations of the RepubliKKKlan Party. It never f***ing fails. Dumbass Democrats always bring a knife to a gunfight. It never f***ing fails. Welcome to stupid America. RepubliKKKlans are destroying America and Democrats are the least capable to save it.