Human Turtle Checkmates Democrats

America avoids default, but McConnell won the battle and soon to be the war as The Hill writes, “The Senate on Thursday voted to approve a one-time exemption to the filibuster on raising the debt ceiling, capping off a months-long fight over the nation’s borrowing limit.” At the time, I was perplexed why McConnell backed down from his threat not to help Democrats avoid default last October. It made no sense to me from a man who has spent his career destroying Senate norms and the country in the process. Allowing the nation to default on its debt would merely be one more step toward that end while he could blame Democrats, and dumbass Democrats would take the blame because Americans are too stupid to understand the machinations of the opposition party and the workings of government, although they like to b*tch about it as if they did understand. Voters still believe that since Democrats only technically control the White House and both chambers of Congress then they somehow have total control. (They don’t!) But I digress.

Then it occurred to me, belatedly, as other news has dominated over the last week. This was McConnell’s masterstroke, and I promise what he allowed to happen will come back to bit dumbass Democrats in the ass because I also promise they have missed this point! What is the point, you may be asking? Democrats made a carve-out to suspend the filibuster. This is the same process dumbass Democrats have been reluctant to exercise to pass every other piece of important legislation. Curiously, has anybody noticed McConnell’s silence on changing the Senate rules to suspend the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling? Whereas McConnell warned Democrats not to tamper with the filibuster when it comes to voting rights legislation, among others, he nodded his approval in the case of the debt ceiling. Do you really think this was out of the goodness of his heart? His concern for America’s economy? No! This is a strategic move more than anything. Democrats have now set the precedent to suspend the filibuster rule to pass legislation! And once RepubliKKKlans retake the White House and Congress, McConnell will use this precedent to suspend the filibuster for all manner of legislation while arguing because the Democrats did it then he can too. And I promise that dumbass Democrats are completely clueless about the set of circumstances they have unleashed. They probably think McConnell is a man of honor. This only reinforces what I have been saying about the weak Democratic Party: Once they broke the filibuster rule cherry then they would be too feckless to actually use it. This is a perfect case in point. While dumbass Democrats believe this was a one-time exception to prevent America from defaulting on its debt, RepubliKKKlans see this as the open door for which they have been waiting! Therein lies thier victory! Congratulations RepubliKKKlans! The country will be completely yours after the 2024 elections and democracy will be officially dead. Welcome to stupid America! The end!