Humanity Is the Next Extinction Level Event

From CNN, “Earth is warming faster than previously thought, scientists say, and the window is closing to avoid catastrophic outcomes. … Unlike previous assessments, Monday’s report concludes it is ‘unequivocal’ that humans have caused the climate crisis and confirms that ‘widespread and rapid changes’ have already occurred, some of them irreversibly.”

Hilarious! Did I not already say this less than a month ago? Did I not? Of course, I did. I nailed it because anyone with two brain cells to rub together could (should) have already concluded it is all too late, morons. So, part of the problem is not that some climate change is already irreversible but that climate change will eventually become a runaway situation where nothing humans can do will stop a global catastrophe. The train has already left the station. But fear not, f***tards! Mother Nature will fix this imbalance that is the human race. Humanity is the extinction-level event for which we have been waiting, and I can think of no better species more deserving. I promise you nature is far, far more intelligent than humans, which really just spends its idle time wondering about conspiracy stories that range from major religions to space aliens — none of which is going to save us from ourselves.

Oh sure, we have progressed from creating fire in the Stone Age to harnessing nuclear power in the Modern Age, but those achievements are, doubtless, produced by a vast minority of people throughout history, while those in the mainstream are morons who are content to ignore the world and busy themselves like ants until extinction. Humans really are just busy bees collecting pollen until they die. And Lord knows the last thing humanity is capable of accomplishing is coming together to save civilization. Dare I say it, but I think humanity was meant to eventually die off and kill the world with it. Let me reiterate: Mother Nature will fix the scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth because humans are simply too stupid to recognize and understand the end is coming, and we are the cause. Too stupid because, you know, climate change is a hoax. And by the end, I do not mean in a Biblical sense — God forbid such a ridiculous notion — but in a mass extinction event sense, just like the numerous other events throughout Earth’s geological history. Welcome to stupid America, which is soon to be zero stupid.