Humanity: Mound of Ants or Troop of Chimps?

According to Aljazeera, “No prime minister has completed a full five-year tenure in Pakistan’s 75-year history – a trend extended with the removal of Imran Khan, who lost a no-confidence vote on Sunday. Pakistan, a parliamentary democracy for most of its history, has had a total of 29 prime ministers since 1947 – one of whom took on the role twice in one year. On 18 occasions, prime ministers have been removed under a variety of circumstances, including corruption charges, direct military coups and forced resignations due to infighting in governing groups. There was one assassination. The remaining prime ministers held the position for a limited time as caretakers to oversee new elections or to see out a dismissed prime minister’s tenure. The year 1993 was particularly fraught, with five changes in the prime ministership.”

I read this article and could not help but think humanity is just a f***ing mess! I don’t mean to pick on Pakistan, specifically. Every country has its issues, but honestly, after 75 years as a nation, never once have they been able to make a government last. Then I thought about the rest of humanity’s challenges — climate change, politics, wars. If one were to take a macro view, that is to say, a perspective on mount high, it may appear humanity is a bunch of mindless ants building, working, and even going to war with each other — one colony versus another. One may witness the monuments and industriousness of humanity — buildings, economy, and government. From a distance, one may be fooled into believing the whole is a collective organ working in harmony toward some greater end, some greater good.

Of course, that would all be an illusion, for closer inspection would reveal a bunch of monkeys fighting and throwing poo at each other. This is evinced at the national, local, and even familial levels. One may be convinced humanity cannot get its act together on closer inspection. And I would agree! Oh, well! As I have said before — on more than one occasion — Mother Nature always restores balance, which includes and is not limited to humanity doing itself in.