Humanity Would Be Better Off Without These People. Full Stop!

From Morning Consult, “The research, which used longtime authoritarian researcher Bob Altemeyer’s right-wing authoritarianism test and scale and builds on recent work he conducted with the Monmouth University Polling Institute, found that U.S. conservatives have stronger right-wing authoritarian tendencies than their right-of-center counterparts in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.”

Naturally, these numbers are not surprising, nor do they particularly convey anything new. Of course, the USA is the most extreme among all western democracies. Of course! USA! USA! USA! And of course, when it comes to the ideological right (aka RepubliKKKlans) the USA stands alone and almost off the authoritarian scale. Of course, of course, of course. I would have expected nothing less from a country that preaches freedom, but in reality, wishes to be controlled and to control everyone else. One may be tempted to call America a paradox; I call it the perfect demonstration of ultimate collective hypocrisy and stupidity (not ignorance, which implies people need only become informed). Look, morons. There are two distinct and dominating institutions that thrive in America that rely on gullible and stupid people to survive. And these same institutions also rely on hypocrisy to justify the inherent contradictions that they preach. Those institutions are Christianity and the RepubliKKKlan Party. As long as these institutions thrive in America the country is doomed, and cannot survive. Honestly, I am amazed we have lasted this long, but even the Civil War was fourscore and seven years in the making. Humanity is better to purge these people from each country and in America, especially, but of course, we don’t — won’t. Americans would rather live with cancer until we all die. Welcome to stupid America. Just as stupid and fanatical as ever and getting worse. Wake up morons of America. We can no longer co-exist. Something has to give.