
Humans Are F***ing Trashy Morons!

Humanity cannot be saved, and at this point, maybe it shouldn’t be. According to The Hill, “Forty-nine percent of Americans believe climate change is caused mostly by human actions, the survey found, the lowest share reported in several years of polling. In other words, a narrow majority of the country disagrees with the nation’s scientists, nearly all of whom are certain that humans cause global warming. Twenty-seven percent of Americans say climate change is natural. Seven percent say the climate isn’t changing. Most other respondents say they aren’t sure.” Seriously?!?! Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t?!?!

Why do I even bother anymore? Honestly! If, by now, humanity has yet to figure out it is its own extinction-level event, then why should I care? If 51 percent of humanity thinks people are not causing climate change or — worse still — don’t have an opinion on the matter, then nothing can save us. Perhaps I have stopped caring, but these poll results make for good writing fodder. Then, on the other hand, I must not be surprised, for humanity is truly just too f***ing G.D. stupid to save itself despite all the signs — that scientists have been correctly predicting for decades now — about climate change coming to fruition. I’ve seen how that 51 percent of people live. Their treatment of Mother Earth is merely an extension of their trashy lives. They live in trashy homes, drive trashy cars, bathe infrequently, eat like animals, exist like animals, and behave like animals. And I’ve seen how that 51 percent of humanity treats each other and the 49 percent. (Think of RepubliKKKlans/conservatives as the 51 percent.) So, why am I surprised they treat the planet like the trashy animals that they are? Oh, well. I will repeat what I’ve been saying forever: Mother Nature will restore balance to Earth, even if that includes wiping out humanity. And I’m ok with that. Welcome to stupid humanity! It no learn good.