Well, I see with Hurricane Idalia hitting this morning, the MSM is covering this weather event like flies on sh*t as if it’s newsworthy. We go through this crap every f***ing year. Play-by-play coverage of a storm as it inches across some hapless red state. It’s non-stop tracking of rain, storm surge, and wind as if any of this really matters to anyone who is not in the storm’s path, yet this is what the rest of us are subjected to hour after hour to the exclusion of other hard, important news. This unhealthy fascination with hurricanes by Americans evinces a country in decline. This is disaster programming that viewers eat up because they really have nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic lives other than sit around and gawk at the weather on T.V. Hello, f***tards! Hurricanes are not f***ing news! It’s not important, and it doesn’t matter, especially when these disasters hit red states. No one should care about residents of red states who willingly live in a hurricane zone while denying climate change. I only hope enough RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks die to impact elections, but that never seems to happen in large enough numbers to have a material effect.
Why are idiot Americans so f***ing fascinated with this sh*t? Again, this is what a dying, moronic country looks like — paying attention to the weather somewhere far off as if it’s newsworthy. And we wonder why Americans cannot discern significant events from trivial matters — because the MSM confounds the two. Moreover, Americans seem unable to learn from these events enough though they’ve watched them on the boob tube for years. Indeed, it would appear hoards of f***tards actually flock to hurricane-prone areas to live. Are these people that f***ing stupid? I guess so. What else explains individuals moving to Florida’s coasts other than wanting to live in a state that encourages and condones hate? It’s the hate, weather, and hurricanes, stupid! Morons learn nothing as more numerous and more powerful hurricanes batter the state year after year. One should think that high insurance costs for Floridians or insurance companies leaving the state would be a big red, flashing warning sign for future residents that living there is not ideal. But, no! Whatever! Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid f***ing hell!