I Agree with Limbaugh

According to The Hill, “Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday suggested that America was headed towards the conditions that resulted in the first American Civil War on his radio show after a caller asked whether conservativism would ever dominate U.S. culture again. … ‘There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.’”

For once, I am in complete agreement with Limbaugh! He is saying nothing I have not already opined. Civil war is coming and to some extent the cold war within has been raging for most of my life, ever since the evil evangelicals made the culture war front and center in American society. And it is no surprise when I say bring it! The next civil war will only start when there is a Democratic president because all these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals certainly never have an issue when a dictator RepubliKKKlan is their president. Oh, no! They have no problems with that and Democrats would never consider secession. Democrats, being the true patriots, still try to work within the system to cope and improve the state of the union, although dumbass Democrats try just a bit too hard to be fair and just — f*** that! Be ruthless. They need to learn to dominate!

My only fear with a Democratic president presiding over the next civil war is his or her weakness. No doubt it will be a weak dumbass Democrat that will seek to overcome and heal when in fact he or she should only be considering using the full force of the military to smite and obliterate traitor (RepubliKKKlan) states. No m*****f***ing G.D reconciliation and reconstruction! When we win it will be to vanquish, dominate, and occupy! In fact, I would have no problems with death camps for rebel traitors. They can help rebuild something until they drop dead. I don’t f***ing care. Once the enemy always the enemy! All these f***tard RepubliKKKlans always seem to forget that the political power they hold is outsized; there are far more Democrats, liberals, and progressives than conservatives. Although, I will concede what the right lacks in numbers they compensate with their strength and determination. On the other hand, all the wealth resides in Democratic states, so bring it, morons! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let the war begin and let’s f***ing cleanse this nation of the scum and disease that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. It will be brother against brother, but the need for an American renewal is long overdue. Bravo, Rush! Indeed, let’s roll already. Welcome to stupid America!