I Am a Biden Defender Now

Rather than qualify all my future posts with an admission that I was a fierce critic of Biden’s first year, especially regarding his domestic policies and legislative failures, I will state my unequivocal change of mind here in one post. I will not belabor the details of my past frustration with him in this space; you can search my past rantings. Biden is now a wartime president, and he has shown incredible ability to rally the Allies to counter Russian aggression. He is the world leader for which America has been waiting, and, in my mind, there is no other pressing issue, no other monumental task toward which Biden (and every American) should focus; that task is to save Ukraine and save democracy around the world. All that being said, I will continue to assail dumbass Democrats for their incompetence because they are about to hand RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump permanent political control at a time of the highest peril for America and democracy. As always, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kook, and the like are all traitors to America, without exception! Welcome to stupid America!