I Am Only Slightly Impressed

According to Axios, “Two Ohio men were sentenced to serve 45 days in prison after prosecutors requested incarceration for the first time at sentencing hearings for Capitol rioters who took plea deals for nonviolent misdemeanors. … Federal judges have debated whether the no-prison plea deals offered to low-level Jan. 6 defendants are too lenient to deter potential future attackers. … The two steelworkers from Columbus can be heard laughing at police officers in video footage obtained by the government. Rau later entered one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) evacuated conference rooms. … Prosecutors requested a four-month prison sentence for each.” I guess AG Garland finally got the hit? It is ridiculous that several judges had to question the sentencing recommendations of the federal government for traitor defendants before federal prosecutors began requesting jail time for said offenders. I seriously don’t give one G.D. f*** how minor the offenses associated with the terrorist attack on the Capitol are. Every misdemeanor for every criminal — first offense or not — should get at least one year of jail time! Full stop! No exceptions! I don’t care if you were one of those idiot “tourist”-types taking pictures who happened to follow the crowd into the Capitol. Any reasonable person — I know, it’s a stretch with these MAGA morons and QAnon f***tards — should have known their entry was illegal. (And I would go so far as to say those on the steps are just as criminal because they clearly breached pedestrian and police barriers.) If anything, people should be jailed for a year purely because of their stupidity! These four month recommendations are a start, but the judges really should be ignoring such recommendations and give stiffer sentences because they are right: What the federal government is doing by being weak and cutting consequence-free plea deals are encouraging future terrorists to commit treasonous acts. It’s all par for the course with dumbass Democrats. Their pusillanimous posture is completely the work of weak, weak AG Garland. Whatever! All these people will be pardoned anyway when traitor trump returns to the White House, so all this frustration is moot. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Nothing ever changes.