
I Can’t!

This is the end! Look, f***tards! I’ve been saying this forever and a day now. And this is just one more poll that evinces the end of America is actually upon us, for there is no way in hell the country can endure where traitor trump followers are this stupid and misguided, which is a solid 35 percent at least. As Lincoln once opined, a house this stupid cannot endure. I’ve long resisted calling traitor trump and his followers a cult. Even though cult is the most appropriate term for what we’re witnessing, I think this term gives traitor trump too much credit. A cult does, however, aptly explain the slavish devotion of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks because, like all people in a cult, they’re too f***ing stupid to realize they’re in one. A cult leader has the explicit intent to become one, but traitor trump merely fell into the job. He discovered early in his political career that he could tap into the stupidity and hate of the average American moron to make money. Recall he only ran for president to elevate his popularity for his next reality T.V. gig. Then he won, surprising himself and everyone else. (Except me. I saw his 2016 win coming from a mile away, but his loss in 2020 did surprise me.) He’s been manipulating American f***tards ever since. And, once again, I keep saying the only way people look up to traitor trump with so much affection and admiration requires them to be dumber than their Dear Leader. So, imagine how f***ing G.D. dumb these followers must be. The only way to overcome this cult is through civil war. Mark my words, morons. And forget about “deprogramming,” which I keep hearing. Those who fall into a cult have a certain brain defect that cannot be overcome or corrected. The only solution is to end these people. Welcome to stupid America! I expected nothing less.