I Deeply, Deeply, Deeply Hate the Stupidity of Traitor [T]rump and RepubliKKKlans and MAGA Morons

CNN reports the most absurd remark from traitor trump, “In the past 25 years, Queen Elizabeth II has marked a Golden and Diamond Jubilee, visited multiple continents, celebrated the weddings of her grandchildren and the birth of multiple great-grandchildren, and met numerous world leaders. But, according to President Donald Trump, Her Majesty has never had so much fun as she did during his visit last week.” I cannot express the level of embarrassment this idiot brings to America. His hubris is so completely ridiculous and self-serving it is beyond human comprehension that any RepubliKKKlan or MAGA moron continues to believe and admire the idiot-in-chief. Why should I continue to be surprised? When traitor trump says something that is completely f***tarded I must remind myself that he is merely speaking for the collective consciousness of every f***tarded RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron (unfortunately) still breathing. Welcome to trump stupid America!