I Didn’t Understand This Story Until

According to CNN, “Federal prosecutors are reviewing fake Electoral College certifications that declared former President Donald Trump the winner of states that he lost, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.” A bunch of MAGA moron fake electors sent fraudulent documents to the National Archives. So? I’ve been listening to the commentary and reading articles on this news story, and I thought the usual commentators, pundits, and politicians were grasping for straws — again. But, as it turns out, the MSM failed to communicate the one key piece of information that would make all the difference in supporting Democrats’ arguments that there was criminal wrongdoing. Allow me to elaborate.

First of all, what the f*** is the National Archives? Thank goodness for Google, lest I’d have to spend a couple of hours in the library. From the National Archives and Records Administration, “The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress. Acting as an intermediary, it reviews the Certificates of Ascertainment and Vote before Congress accepts them as evidence of official State action in preparation for the counting of electoral votes in Congress. In addition to posting them on this website, OFR makes the physical Certificates available for public inspection for one year following the election. After that year, the Certificates become part of the National Archives collection.” In other words, they receive, vet, and then transmit the Electoral College votes to Congress to be counted and certified; they are the clearinghouse between the States and Congress. The States do not send their Electoral College paperwork directly to Congress; they send it to the National Archives! Therein lies the crime. These MAGA morons literally tried to subvert the election results by fraudulent means. They tried to supplant genuine documents with fake documents. It failed, but the crime is in trying!

Before I started digging into this, I thought what these MAGA morons had tried to do was akin to a college student submitting a plagiarised thesis to his or her local library. Clearly, the plagiarised paper is wrong, but one’s local library could not care less and would have no idea what to do with the submission except deep-six it. That was my initial interpretation. But really this is equivalent to a student submitting a plagiarised thesis to Turnitin, getting a 90 percent similarity score, and then promptly forwarding it to his or her thesis advisor. Wrong! That’s the quickest way to fail and get expelled. So, now it clicks. Now I understand why the DOJ may be interested in this sequence of events. Maybe something will come of it. And that’s your “Did you know?” moment.