I Don’t Know How I Feel About This

From CNN, “A key witness in the impeachment inquiry has sought for a court to decide if he should testify, caught between a House subpoena and a demand from the White House to protect President Donald Trump’s immunity from testifying to Congress.” On the one hand, I think to myself WTF? Is his moron still on the federal payroll — he’s not. So, why then does he feel any obligation to abide by an Executive order to defy a Congressional subpoena? On the other hand, I say bring it — even though I hesitate to say that with the current make-up of SCOTUS!

Make no mistake the current conservative majority of SCOTUS believes in Executive supremacy. They will easily and likely defer to the President because he’s the President, so f*** the Article 1 branch of government! One would think these “originalist” justices who claim to interpret the Constitution literally as written would actually do so by literally interpreting the fact that Article 1, which outlines the powers and privileges of Congress first and before that of Article 2 for the Executive branch. While the Framers envisioned three co-equal branches, it is clear that Congress was always intended to be the most important of the three because it more directly represents the current will of the people, which is why the entire House is up for election every two f***ing years. The people are allowed to express their will — presumably not immutable — more frequently than electing the President or Senators. It is that f***ing simple. The people are allowed to change their minds by electing (or not electing) a new, different majority to the House. This is so not f***ing difficult to comprehend! But I digress.

One should not require a degree in law to understand that when Congress is investigating potential wrongdoing of the President then the President doesn’t f***ing get to declare immunity or Executive privilege to obstruct the House. This is circular reasoning B.S. in which conservatives are experts at asserting and conservative justices are experts at defending and condoning. They really do think the President is above the law. Let me also be clear about something else: all these B.S. nonsense RepubliKKKlan arguments about fairness and due process and other Constitutional protections due to the President is f***ing ridiculous. In the end, none of this is about throwing traitor trump in prison; it is about him losing a f***ing job. Plain and simple. I’m sorry, but the person employed by the people should have the least amount of protection if the people want him out before the next election.

Indeed, there is little precedent and case law to guide this new legal case, which is why I think SCOTUS will see it as a perfect test case to take up. I have little confidence in their ability to rule properly on the critical matter. I give it a 50/50 chance, and that is a Bayesian inference. Should the court rule in favor of the President then I hope the people will realize their naked partisanship to place traitor trump above the law. I would hope the people become so enraged that they take to the streets by such an abhorrent decision. Oh, wait. I must be dreaming to hope for such a thing. Americans don’t care in the end because democracy will die with a whimper. Welcome to stupid America!