I Expected Nothing Less

From an article in The Daily Beast, “One month after Joe Biden announced his run for president, several Fox News stars have already begun quietly pushing rumors that the 76-year-old ex-veep is in poor health.” And it will work because this is stupid America, just like it worked to convince people of the most watched cable “news” network in America (un-f***ing-believable) that Hillary was too unhealthy to be president while traitor trump is clearly obese and has doctors lie about his health. Yet Democrats are always more unfit for the office of the president according to RepubliKKKlans. Sadly, we can never escape the collective stupidity of America. Fox News is by far the most watched cable network which is in and of itself a prime indicator of America’s stupidity! Welcome to stupid America where MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are everywhere.