I Hate America! I Simply Hate America!

From CNN, “A majority, 52%, say they disapprove of the way Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, and 45% approve. Both figures have risen since early March, when 41% approved, 48% disapproved and 11% weren’t sure how they felt about the President’s handling of the viral outbreak. The President’s overall approval rating stands at 44% approve to 51% disapprove, little changed from a 43% approve to 53% disapprove reading in each of the previous three CNN polls. On handling health care policy, his ratings stand at 42% approve to 52% disapprove, his best approval rating on that topic since 2017.”

And then there is this graph from a CNBC poll which simply underscores just how f***ing G.D. stupid Americans are.

Source: CNBC

I f***ing hate America’s stupidity! Seriously! Will f***tards of America just find a gun and kill themselves already? I’m f***ing sick of living with such stupidity breathing the same air. I have no f***ing clue where to start with yet another two polls that show Americans know absolutely f***ing nothing about anything! Americans really are just as stupid and embarrassing as the rest of the world imagines us to be. F*** me! I swear to f***ing God this country is just too stupid to f***ing survive! It’s all m*****f***ing stupid all the m*****f***ing time! Everyday! All day! Day in and day out! I wake up in Stupidsville, USA, and I go to bed with America being even dumber than I thought! Every day is just more confirmation that there are stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people!

I don’t give one G.D. f*** if these job approval ratings are only temporary or driven more by the “rally around the flag” phenomenon than an improved perception of traitor trump. The fact that even one poll showed his net approval rating is positive or moved slightly upward during this pandemic is a f***ing G.D. embarrassment of the highest f***ing order to America. How the f*** can anyone look at the traitor trump Scheiße-show and think he’s doing a good job? Welcome to trump stupid America!